About us
Hello, my name is Tonje, I live in Gjøvik. A small town in the center of Norway. My big passion in life is animals. It all started when I got my first dog Pippin, a long coated chihuahua. We later got Ada, also a long coated chihuahua. He was so small I had problems finding nice gear for him. So I made collars and harnesses for him that would fit perfect for our everyday life. And it just grew from there.
Most of our items are handmade by me. Quality and functionality is very important. All the products have been tested properly and made sure have a good fit and are comfortable for the dog before getting up on the website. Our material is strong and durable to last a long time.
It really makes me happy to se so many dogs walking around with products from the shop. Its been a dream for me to have my own webshop with my products, so thank you all for supporting my dream, I really appreciate every order.